Engelsk B

Ny ordning

Onsdag den 18. august 2021
kl. 09.00-14.00

Vejledning til opgavesættet

Du skal besvare følgende opgaver:
  • Assignment 1-6
  • I assignment 6 skal du vælge enten 6A, 6B eller 6C
Tekster til opgave 6:
6A – Fiction:
“The Inevitable”, a short story by Daniel A. Hoyt, 2018.
6B – Non-fiction:
The texts focus on career and passion
Text 1:“Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You (and How to Get Started)”, an article by Lizz Schumer, The New York Times website, 2018.
Text 2: “Stop Searching For Your Passion”, a TED talk by Terri Trespicio, TEDxKC website, 2015.
6C – Fiction:
“Viral”, a short film by Donald Broida, Omeleto website, 2019.

Vejledning og skabelon til at løse opgaven
Den samlede eksaminationstid for opgave 1-6 er 5 timer. Besvarelsen bedømmes som en helhed ud fra de faglige mål for niveauet. Der lægges vægt på beherskelsen af det engelske sprog, forståelse af forlægget og færdighed i skriftlig fremstilling på engelsk.

Det anbefales, at du skriver din besvarelse i skabelonen, som ligger under Template i menuen til venstre. Besvarelsen afleveres i ét dokument med opgaverne i rækkefølgen 1-6.

Henvisninger til tekst, video- og lydklip

Hvis du citerer, skal du angive kilde.
Alt anvendt materiale skal være engelsksproget og angives med kildehenvisninger. Til forklaring af grammatiske opgaver kan materialerne være på dansk.
Du kan henvise til dele af video- og lydklip, f.eks. ved at angive afspillerens minut- og sekundtal for henholdsvis starten og slutningen af klippet.

Generel skabelon for henvisninger

Du henviser til tekster ved enten 1) at angive linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i en fodnote eller ved 2) at sætte linjenummeret eller minuttalsangivelsen i parentes inde i din tekst:

Ved én linje: l. 34

Ved flere linjer: ll. 35-37

Ved minuttalsangivelse: 01:23-02:12

I fodnoter angives:

Opslag i bog
“Hvad er et ‘utælleligt ord’?”. Helle Brieghel og Dorthe Chalotte Hansen. Engelsk Grundgrammatik. Questions and Answers. Systime 2010. p. 47.

Opslag i elektronisk opslagsværk
“Utællelige substantiver”. Thomas Boesen og Sarah Barding. Engram. Minlaering 2019. (www.minlaering.dk)

Artikel fra bog eller antologi
“Post-Modernism”. Gitte Vest Barkholt and Jørgen Døssing Jepsen. A Short History of Literature in English. A Handbook. Systime 2010. pp. 79-93.

Tekster i opgavesættet

Teksternes ortografi og tegnsætning følger forlæggene. Trykfejl er dog rettet.
Opsætningen følger ikke nødvendigvis forlæggene. Dog følges forlægget nøje, hvor opsætningen på den ene eller anden måde indgår i opgaven.

Assignment 1

Find alle verberne (udsagnsordene) i præteritum (datid) i nedenstående tekst, og omskriv dem til præsens (nutid). Skriv hele teksten som dit svar, og markér verberne (udsagnsordene) tydeligt som i eksemplet.

Eksempel: As noted, we found the tower…

As noted, we find the tower…

As noted, we found the tower in a place just before the forest became waterlogged and then turned into salt marsh. This occurred on our fourth day after reaching base camp […]. We did not expect to find anything there, based on both the maps that we brought with us and the water-stained, pine-dust-smeared documents left behind by our predecessors. But here it was: a circular block of some grayish stone seeming to mix cement and ground-up seashells. It measured roughly sixty feet in diameter, this circular block, and was raised from ground level by about eight inches. […]
    We had no way to inform our superiors about this discovery. One rule for an expedition into Area X was that we were to attempt no outside contact, for fear of some irrevocable contamination. We also took little with us that matched our current level of technology. We had no cell or satellite phones, no computers, no camcorders, no complex measuring instruments except for those strange black boxes hanging from our belts. Our cameras required a makeshift darkroom. The absence of cell phones in particular made the real world seem very far away […].
    It was expected simply that we would keep a record, like this one, in a journal, with water-proof paper […]. But I knew from experience how hopeless this pursuit, this attempt to weed out bias, was. Nothing that lived and breathed was truly objective.

Jeff Vandermeer, Annihilation, 2015   

Assignment 2

Lyt til podcasten, og skriv eksempler på følgende ordklasser i nedenstående lydklip.
  • 4 adjektiver (tillægsord)
  • 4 adverbier (biord)
  • 4 pronominer (stedord)
  • 4 substantiver (navneord)
  • 4 verber (udsagnsord)

In the podcast from NPR website, a daughter seeks her father’s advice about the future.

Assignment 3

I teksten nedenfor er syv ord understreget. Du skal besvare både a. og b.

  a. Skriv, hvilken ordklasse hvert ord tilhører. Du kan benytte enten latinske eller danske betegnelser.
  b. Skriv et synonym til hvert ord, som passer ind i tekstens sammenhæng.

Du skal skrive dine svar i skemaet. Det første ord er vist som eksempel.

Tonight, I am asking you to believe in Joe and Kamala’s ability to lead this country out of these dark times and build it back better. But here’s the thing: no single American can fix this country alone. Not even a president. Democracy was never meant to be transactional − you give me your vote; I make everything better. It requires an active and informed citizenry. So, I am also asking you to believe in your own ability − to embrace your own responsibility as citizens − to make sure that the basic tenets of our democracy endure.

Barack Obama, DNC speech, 2020   

Eksempel Ordklasse Synonym
believe verbum (udsagnsord) trust

Assignment 4

The sentences below, which are from two different texts, have been jumbled.

Connect the sentences so that they form two meaningful texts.

a) You can buy it frozen in the UK,
b) Such a handle allows for a very
c) Buy it fresh or not at all.
d) A fishing rod with a handle that increases its diameter
e) compromise entails using relatively unadorned designs.
f) most likely to see it in the markets.
g) comfortable and stable three-point grip. From a fishing standpoint, though,
h) continuously from rear to front is my preferred shape.
i) But it is also found in the Atlantic as far north as Norway and west to Newfoundland.
j) there needs to be a compromise. For me the
k) The swordfish is found throughout the Mediterranean where you are
l) but freezing tends to make the flesh tasteless.

Assignment 5

Write a polite email (60-70 words) in which you complain to the landlord about the bathroom in your flat. You must include all the words from the list below. You are not allowed to change the forms of the words.

leaky − severely − moldy − outrageously − dishonest − bitterly − squalid

The photo shows the bathroom of the flat that you have just rented. On signing the lease, the landlord, Ms. Upworth, assured you numerous times that the bathroom would be fixed, but this is what it looked like on the day you moved in.

Assignment 6

  • Answer assignment 6A or assignment 6B or assignment 6C.
  • Answer all the questions in the assignment that you choose.
  • Write separate answers to each question.
  • The total length of your paper must be 700-1000 words.

Assignment 6A – Fiction

  1. Write a summary of “The Inevitable” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “The Inevitable”. You must focus on the main character.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    point of view, conflict, the ending, main theme

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in the short story, discuss what it takes to say “I’m sorry”.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. due to, in addition, for instance, whereas, on the other hand, even though, in other words, finally

Daniel A. Hoyt, “The Inevitable”, a short story, 2018.

Assignment 6B – Non-fiction

The texts in this assignment focus on career and passion
  1. Write a summary of Text 1 “Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You (and How to Get Started)” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about Text 2 “Stop Searching For Your Passion”. You must focus on the speaker’s attitude towards passion and career.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    topic, sender, modes of appeal, intention

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in one of the texts, discuss to what extent you should follow your passion when choosing a career.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. due to, in addition, for instance, whereas, on the other hand, even though, in other words, finally

Text 1: Lizz Schumer, “Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You (and How to Get Started)”, an article from The New York Times website, 2018.

Text 2: Terri Trespicio, “Stop Searching For Your Passion”, a TED talk from TEDxKC website, 2015.

Assignment 6C – Fiction

  1. Write a summary of “Viral” in about 150 words.

  2. Write a short analytical essay (at least 300 words) about “Viral”. You must focus on the main character May.

    Include the following analytical terms in your essay:
    relationship, atmosphere, contrasts, main theme

    Your essay must include references to the text.

  3. Taking your starting point in the short film, discuss the influence of the internet on the way we live our lives.

    Use at least two phrases from the box below in your discussion.

  4. due to, in addition, for instance, whereas, on the other hand, even though, in other words, finally

Donald Broida, “Viral”, a short film, 2019.



Anvendt materiale (til brug for Copydan):

Jeff Vandermeer. Annihilation. London: Fourth Estate, 2015.

Camila Kerwin. “A Father’s Advice: The Choice To Start A Family Is ‘An Act Of Hope’”. NPR website, December 13, 2019, viewed October 2020. (www.npr.org)

Barack Obama. “Barack Obama’s DNC speech”. CNN website, August 19, 2020, viewed October 2020. (https://edition.cnn.com)

Colin Spencer. Fish Cook Book. London: Bracken Books, 1994.

Jason Borger. Nature of Fly Casting − A Modular Approach. London: Shadow Caster Press, 2001.

Daniel A. Hoyt. “The Inevitable”. Antonya Nelson (ed.). New Stories from the Midwest 2018. Milwaukee: newamericanpress, 2018.

Lizz Schumer. “Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You (and How to Get Started)”. The New York Times website, October 10, 2018, viewed October 2020. (www.nytimes.com)

Terri Trespicio. “Stop Searching For Your Passion”. TEDxKC website, 2015, viewed October 2020. (www.tedxkc.org)

Donald Broida. “Viral”. Omeleto website, 2019, viewed October 2020. (www.omeleto.com)

Image credit: Renaud Philippe for The New York Times. In: Lizz Schumer. “Why Following Your Passions Is Good for You (and How to Get Started)”. The New York Times website, October 10, 2018, viewed October 2020. (www.nytimes.com)

Image credit: Photo: James Keivom/Press Pool. “A bathroom in an apartment in NYCHA’s Andrew Jackson Houses in the Bronx”. In: Katie Honan. “Repair Costs for NYCHA Properties Skyrocket to $31.8 Billion”. The Wall Street Journal website, July 2, 2018, viewed October 2020. (www.wsj.com)